Today we entombed our beloved Mama Leonarda Laghua at 2pm near her house. My heartfelt condolences to all the family members and specially to Debora our active former youth president of Kifaru Parish. In fact my pleasent journey with Mama La (as she was affectionately called) began as we launched our Mangalore Africa Mission in Kifaru Parish, in the Catholic Diocese of Same, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania ten years ago (2012). Mama La, was our local Guide, Mentor, Translator, Teacher, Catechist, etc.

She is a multi faceted personality, she served as a Head Teacher in various Govt. Secondary Schools in Tanzania and on her retirement she joined St Joseph Boys' Science Secondary School run by our Mission. She was an affectionate Parish Catechist at the Kifaru Parish, who was ready to take up any task in the Church in the service of the people. From last 10 years she walked though the thick-n-thin of our mission journey. May the Lord in his mercyful love welcome her, to her eternal reward. She indeed loved the Lord and his Church so much and she worked hard to bring the Good News in the lives of people here in Kifaru in the Catholic Diocese of Same. Indeed it is a sad moment to miss her in our lives. "We won't get another Mama Laghu" writes Fr. Vincent Monteiro, from Mangalore Diocese who had visited Kifaru Parish 10 years ago along with Bishop Emeritus Aloysius P. D Souza, to launch the Mangalore Africa Mission in Tanzania. I know she is in a safe place. Now we have some one in heaven to Interceed for us. May she rest in peace! Goodbye, Mama La, till we meet again at the heavenly banquet of the Lord!


 -Fr Alwyn M. J. D'Souza


Contact Us

Tanzania Mission Africa:

The Society of Mangalore Africa Mission®,  
P. O. Box 113, Mwanga,
Kilimanjaro Region,
East Africa

Mangalore Office:

Bishop's House
Kodialbail Post- 575 003
Karnataka State

+255 756412278 / 0758437984 +91 824 2440524
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